Rain Forest Restoration Initiative (RFRI)
The Rain Forest Restoration Initiative (RFRI), is a network of organizations and individuals from the academe, peoples’ organizations, non-government organizations, and business sector engaged in environmental conservation, research, and development. Together, we are working to advance and promote Rainforestation as a strategy to rehabilitate degraded landscapes and restore key ecosystem services and functions while providing forest-dependent communities with an alternative source of livelihood. RFRI consists of the following organizational members, and their many non-member partners:
College of Forestry & Natural Resources, University of the Philippines-Los Banos (UPLB-CFN)
https://cfnr.uplb.edu.ph/ -
Earth Day Network Philippines, INC (EDNP)
https://www.earthday.ph -
Energy Development Corporation (EDC)
http://www.energy.com.ph/ -
Environmental Leadership & Training Initiative (ELTI)
https://elti.yale.edu -
Forest Foundation Philippines (FFP)
https://www.forestfoundation.ph -
Foundation for the Philippine Environment (FPE)
http://www.fpe.ph -
Haribon Foundation
http://www.haribon.org.ph -
Institute of Tropical Ecology & Environmental Management, Visayas State University (ITEEM-VSU)
https://www.vsu.edu.ph/departments-cfes/institute-of-tropical-ecology -
National Power Corporation (NPC)
https://www.napocor.gov.ph -
Non-Timber Forest Products-Task Force (NTFP-TF)
https://ntfp.org -
Philippine Eagle Foundation (PEF)
https://www.philippineeaglefoundation.org -
Philippine Federation for Environmental Concerns (PFEC)
https://www.facebook.com/Philippine-Federation-for-Environmental-Concern-214326088626309/ -
Philippine Native Plant Conservation Society, Inc. (PNPCSI)
https://www.facebook.com/PNPCSI -
Reina Federation of Parents Associations, Inc.
https://www.facebook.com/REINAfed/ -
Restoration Initiative for Sustainable Ecosystems (RISE)