

Publications are listed alphabetically by author’s last name. Publications with hyperlinks are available for download from this website. The other publications are currently unavailable due to lack of a digital copy or copyright restrictions.


Ahrens, O., Henders, S., Langkau, M., Lindemann, S., Müller, T. & M. Petri 2004. Cost-Benefit Analysis.Comparison of different land uses in Leyte, Philippines. Report, Faculty of Forest Sciences and Wood Ecology, Georg-August-University, Göttingen, Germany.

Asio, V. B. 1995. Genesis and Degradation of Soils under Different Land Uses in Leyte. Ph.D.  Thesis, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany: p. 125.

Asio, V. B. 1996. Characteristics, Weathering, Formation and Degradation of soils from volcanic rocks in Leyte,Philippines. Hohenheimer Bodenkundliche Hefte 33, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany.

Asio, V. B. & P. P. Milan 2002. Improvement of soil quality in degraded lands through Rainforestation farming. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Sustaining Food Security and Managing Natural Resources in Southeast Asia-Challenges for the 21st century. Chiang Mai, Thailand..

Asio, V. B., J. Reinhold, & K. Stahr 1998. Soil degradation to the conversion of forests to secondary land uses.

In Göltenboth, F., P. P. Milan & V. B. Asio (eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Tropical Ecology: Aspects on Ecosystems Management in Tropical Asia. ViSCA, Baybay, Leyte, Philippines.

Balzer, P. 1993. Untersuchungen zur Mikroflora von sechs Standorten auf der Insel Leyte. MSc Thesis, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany: p. 83.

Balzer, P. 1994. The closed canopy and high diversity forest farming system: First evaluation 1994 two years after the initial planting. Technical Report. Philippine German Tropical Ecology Program-ViSCA-GTZ, Baybay, Leyte, Philippines: pp. 100.

Bande, M. 2004. Development of a Sustainable Abaca (Musa textilis Nee) Production in a Diversified Multi-Strata Agroecosystem in Leyte, the Philippines. MSc Thesis, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany: p. 94.  

Bande, M., Come, R., Abad, S., Pogosa, J., Mandal, H., Almeroda, F., & Napoles, E. 2014. Biomass Production, Carbon Stock, and Carbon Sequestration of Dipterocarps at Seedling Stage in Response to Light and Nutrient Availability.  Annals Tropical Research 36, VSU, Leyte, Philippines: 82-106.

Belonias, B. S. & L. M. Banoc 1994. Species diversity and distribution of pteridophytes in Mt. Pangasugan.  Annals of Tropical Research 16 ( 2), ViSCA, Baybay, Leyte, Philippines: 30–38. 

Briones, N. 1997. Economic evaluation of rainforestation projects: Conceptual and analytical framework. In Margraf, J., F. Göltenboth & P. P. Milan (eds): Proceedings of the International Conference on Reforestation with Philippine Species for Biodiversity Protection and Economic Progress. Palo, Leyte, Philippines.


Ceniza, M. J., P. P. Milan, & O. M. Acabal 1998. Anthropod communities in selected dipterocarp trees in rainforestation sites in Baybay, Leyte, Philippines. In Göltenboth, F., P. P. Milan & V. B. Asio (eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Tropical Ecology: Aspects on Ecosystems Management in Tropical Asia. ViSCA, Baybay, Leyte, Philippines.

Come, R., Bande, M., Camutuhan, M., Alip, M., & Porazo, R. 2014. Biomass and Carbon Stocks of Vegetation in the Marginal Uplands in Inopacan, Leyte, Eastern Visayas (Philippines). Annals of Tropical Research 36, VSU, Leyte, Philippines: 70-81.

Chokkalingam, U., A.P. Carandang, J.M. Pulhin, R.D. Lasco, R.J.J. Peras, and T. Toma. (eds.) 2006. One Century of Forest Rehabilitation in the Philippines: Approaches, Outcomes and Lessons. Center for International Forestry Research: Bogor.

Cotter, M. 2006. Comparison of Abaca growth performance in two multi-strata trials with special reference to fiber yield and surrounding vegetation. MSc Thesis Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany: p. 61.

 Dargantes, B. B., & W. Koch 1994. Case studies on the occupation and cultivation of the forest  lands on Leyte, Philippines. Special issue on Tropical Ecology No. 1, W. Koch Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany.

Dargantes, B. B. 1996. Socio-ecological case studies on forest lands cultivation in Leyte, Philippines. PLITS Vol. 14 (2), W. & S. Koch Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany: p. 213. 

Daub, M. 2002. Litter Arthropod Community and its Impact on Decomposition-A Contribution to Restoration Biodiversity in Rainforestation Systems, Leyte, Philippines. MSc Thesis, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany: p. 138.

Dayan, M., Reaviles R. & D. Bandian. 2006. Indigenous Forest Tree Species in Laguna Province. DENR Recommends Vol. 15a, Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, College, Laguna.

Dayan, M., Reaviles R. & D. Bandian. 2007. Indigenous Forest Tree Species in Laguna Province.  DENR Recommends Vol. 15b, Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, College, Laguna.

Dierick, D. & D. Holscher. 2009. Species specific tree water use characteristics in reforestation stands in the Philippines. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 149: 1317-1326.

Dirksmeyer, W. 2000. Environmental Economics of Rainforestation Farming. Horticultural Systems in the Tropics. Working Papers Series 3. Institute of Horticultural Economics, University of Hannover, Germany.


Estoria, E., J. Herbohn, & S. Harrison 2004. The Performance of community organisers in promotion of community Forestry in Leyte Province, Philippines, Small-Scale Forest Economics, Management and Policy, 3(3): 363–384.

Fernando, Edwino. 2009 Habitats of Philippine Dipterocarps. Dipterocarps of the Philppines Fact Sheets. Soil & Water Conservation Foundation.

Fernando, E. 1990. Diversity and conservation status of Philippines Rattans. RIC Bulletin, 9(2):7-21.

Fernando, E.S., M.J.M. Bande, R.A. Piollo, D.D. Sopot, N.E. Dolotina, & W.G. Granert. 2009. Dipterocarpaceae of Bohol Island, Philippines. Asia Life Sciences. 18(1):121-138.

Fritsche, M.-A. 2004. . Die Wirtschaftliche Bedeutung des ‘Rainforestation Farming’-Konzepts für Schwellenländer in den Tropen am Beispiel der Philippinen. Thesis, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany.


Göltenboth, F. 1999. Rainforestation farming – an innovative approach for sustainable land use and biodiversity conservation in the Philippines. EcoSys, Suppl. Bd. 28, Kiel, Germany: 3–16.

Göltenboth, F. 2004. Rainforestation Farming System – ein innovatives Aufforstungskonzept  für den Regenwaldbereich in den Philippinen. Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau, 57, Jg., Heft 6. 307–315.

Göltenboth, F. 2005. Ecosystem approach for landscape rehabilitation-review and perspectives of the “rainforestation farming” technology in the Philippines. Proceedings of the Conference on Agricultural Research for Development.  Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany.

Goeltenboth, F. & A. Goeltenboth 2000 Agro-ecological comparison of ‘Rainforestation’ farming sites on Leyte, Philippines

Proceedings Deutscher Tropentag, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany: 84–85.

Göltenboth, F. & C.-P. Hutter 2004 New options for land rehabilitation and landscape ecology in Southeast Asia by ‘rainforestation farming’,  Journal of Nature Conservation 12:181–189.

Göltenboth, F., C.-P. Hutter, & P. Milan 2003 “Rainforestation farming”: Model projects for sustainable rural development and biodiversity rehabilitation in South East Asia In C.-P. Hutter, F. Göltenboth, & M. Hanssler (eds.) Paths to Sustainable Development: New Experiences in the Philippines, EURONATUR Edition Vol.1 Hierzel Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany.

Göltenboth, F. & C.-P. Hutter 2015. . Rainforestation Farming: A Farmer´s Guide To Sustainable Organic Farming And Agro-Forest Biodiversity Management.

Göltenboth, F., P. P. Milan & V .B. Asio (eds.) 1998. Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Tropical Ecology. Aspects on Ecosystems Management in Tropical Asia. Visayas State College of Agriculture, Baybay, Leyte, Philippines.

Goeltenboth, F., P. P. Milan, &  J. Margraf 1999. Rainforestation farming for biodiversity conservation and rural development in the PhilippinesProceedings of Deutscher Tropentag, Berlin, Germany.

Gregorio, N., J. Herbohn, S. Harrison, and C. Smith. 2015. A systems approach to improving the quality of tree seedlings for agroforestry, tree farming and reforestation in the Philippines  Land Use Policy. 47:29-41.

Groetschel, A., R. R. Aquino, I. Buchholz, T. G. Eufracio-Mazo, A. Ibkendanz, N.A. Sales, J. Seven & K. C. Vicentuan 2001. Natural Resources Management Strategies on Leyte island, Philippines. Schriftenreihe des Seminars f. Ländl. Entwicklung 1. Aufl., Margraf Verlag, Berlin, Germany. Harrison, S., J. Herbohn, J. Suh, E. Mangaoang & J. Vanclay (eds.) 2005. Redevelopment of a Timber Industry Following Extensive Land Clearing

Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research Smallholder Forestry Project. Proceedings from the End-of-Project Workshop, Ormoc City, Philippines.

Herzano, C.A. & Villipando, G. 2008. Pagdurugtong-Dugtong ng Kagubatan sa Pamagitan ng Pangmatagalang Pamamahala sa Lupang Ninuno: Punlaan at Pagtatanim: Gabay sa Pagpapatubo at Pagtatanim ng Semilya ng mga Katutubong Kahoy. Foundation for the Philippine Environment, Quezon City, Philippines.

Huong, N., Herbohn, H. Firn, J. and D. Lamb. 2012. Biodiversity –productivity relationships in small-scale mixed-species plantations using natives species in Leyte province, Philippines Forest Ecology and Management. 274: 81-90.

Huong N., Lamb, D. Herbohn, J, and J. Firn. 2014. Designing mixed tree plantations for the tropics: Balancing ecological attributes of species with landholder preferences in the Philippines. PLOS One. 9(4):1-11.


Kiffner, C., A. Bertram, S. Derwisch, F. Englert, S. Grote, S. Kaiser, A. Nebel, B. Neusel, E.-M. Schneider, N. Schuhmacher. 2005. Cost-benefit analysis of “rainforestation farming” in Leyte Island, Philippines. Project Thesis, Tropical and International Forestry Master Course, Faculty of Forestry & Forest Ecology, Georg-August-University Gottingen.  

Klee, R. 1992. Untersuchungen zur Segetalflora im Süßkartoffelanbau der Insel Lweyte (Philippines). Diplomarbeit. Inst. f. Pflanzenproducktion und Agrarökologie in den Tropen und Subtropen, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany: pp. 135.

Koch, W., J. Sauerborn & L. Plüschen 1990. Gedanken zur Agrarökologie in den Tropen und  Subtropen. In Koch, W., H. Walter & J. Sauerborn (eds.): Agrarökologie und  Pflanzenschutz in den Tropen und Subtropen. Margraf Verlag, Weikersheim, Germany: 109–130.

Koch, W. & N. Steinmüller 1998. Ecology of regional and global approaches in agricultural production. In Göltenboth F., P. P. Milan & V. B. Asio: Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied  Tropical Ecology. Aspects of Ecosystems Management in Tropical Asia, Visayas State College of Agricutlure, Baybay, Leyte, Philippines.

Kolb, M. 2003. Silvicultural Analysis of “Rainforestation Farming” Area on Leyte Island, Philippines. Mag. Arbeit, University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany: p. 117.

Langenberger, G. 2003. Diversität, Struktur und Reliefabhängigkeit der Vegetation in einem Tieflandregenwald der Insel Leyte, Philippinen, Agroecology 5, APIA Verlag, Laubach: pp. 181.

Langenberger, G. 2004. A review of research on Philippine forest vegetation, particularly work since 1990 Agham Mindanaw. 2:11-24. 

Langenberger, G. 2006. Habitat distribution of dipterocarp species in the Leyte Cordillera: An indicator species—site suitability in local reforestation programs. Annals of Forestry Science. 63: 149-156. 

Langenberger, G., C. Marohn, K. Martin & J. Sauerborn & M. Wider 2005. ., C. Marohn, K. Martin & J. Sauerborn & M. Wider 2005.  Proceedings of the Conference on Agricultural Research for Development. Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany. 

Langenberger, G., K. Martin, &  J. Sauerborn 2006. Vascular plant species inventory of a Philippine lowland rain forest and its conservation value, Biodiversity and Conservation 15:1271–1301.

Langenberger, G. & A. Reif 1998. Vegetation studies on the foothills of Mt. Pangasungan, Leyte, Philippines, Part II: Forest structure and life forms F., P. P. Milan & V. B. Asio (eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Tropical Ecology: Aspects on Ecosystems Management in Tropical Asia. ViSCA, Baybay, Leyte, Philippines. 

Le, H. D., Smith, C. and J. Herbohn. 2013. What drives the success of reforestation projects in tropical developing countries? The case of the Philippines. Global Environmental Change. 24: 334-348. 


Mangaoang E.O. & A.E. Pasa. 2003. Preferred Native Tree Species for Smallholder Forestry in Leyte. Annals of Forestry Science.25 (1): 25-30. 

Margraf, J. & P. P. Milan 1995. Ecology of Dipterocarp forests of Leyte, Philippines. In Schulte, A.: Ecology of Dipterocarp Forests, Special Publication, Indonesian–German  Forestry Project. Mulawarman University, Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Margraf, J. & P .P. Milan 1996. Ecology of lowland evergreen forests and its relevance for island rehabilitation on Leyte, Philippines. In A. Schulte & D. Schöne (eds.), Lowland Evergreen Forest cosystems, World Scientific, Singapore: 124–154.

Margraf, J., F. Göltenboth & P. P. Milan (eds.) 1997. Proceedings of the International Conference on Reforestation with Philippine Species for Biodiversity Protection and Economic Progress. Palo, Leyte, Philippines.

Margraf, J., P. P. Milan & P. Widman 1997. Rainforestation Farming: Community-based  biodiversity utilization for sustainable development of critical watersheds in the Philippines. In Margraf, J., F. Göltenboth & P. P. Milan: Proceedings of the International Conference on Reforestation with Philippine Species for Biodiviversity: Protection and Economic Progress. Palo, Leyte, Philippines.

Magraf, J. & P. P. Milan 2002. Ecology of dipterocarp forests and its relevance for island rehabilitation in Leyte, Philippines, 124–14. In Schulte, A. And D. Schone (eds): Dipterocarp Forests Ecosystems: Towards Sustainable Management, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore.

Margraf, J. & P. P. Milan 2009. Rainforestation Farming. A Farmer´s Guide to Biodiversity Management for the Philippines. 2nd ed., Leyte State University, Baybay, Leyte, Philippines.

Marohn, C., R. Jahn, K. Martin, & J. Sauerborn, 2005. Assessment of soil microbial activity measurements to distinguish land uses in Leyte, Philippines. Proceedings of Conference on Agricultural Research for Development.  Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany.  

Martin, F. 2007. Using Native Timber Trees for Recovering Degraded Landscapes in the Philippines: Social, biophysical and economic assessment of agroforestry systems practised by smallholder farmersPhD thesis, Forestry Department of Cordoba University, Madrid, Spain

Martin, F. and M. van Noordwijk. 2009 Trade-offs analysis for possible timber-based agroforestry scenarios using native trees in the Philippines. Agroforest Systems.

Milan, P.P. 2020. Rainforestation: Paradigm Shift in Forest Restoration in the Philippines  Forest Foundation Philippines: Makati, Philippines.

Milan, P. P. & N. H. Calomot, 1994. Biodiversity conservation for sustainable island development through community participation. Proceedings Technical Workshop on Aquatic Resources, Socio-Economics and Policy Research, PCARRD, Los Baños, Philippines, Dec. 16.

Milan, P. P. & J. Margraf 1990. Synecological approach to island development in the Philippines. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Agroecology and Conservation Issues in Temperate and Tropical Regions, Padova, Italy.

Milan, P. P. & J. Margraf 1992. Landuse management towards increased biodiversity of ecosystems. Proceedings of the Workshop on Indigenous and Sustainable Development, IRRI, Silang, Cavite, Philippines.

Milan, P. P. & J. Margraf 1994 Rainforestation Farming: An alternative to conventional concepts. Annals of Tropical Research. Vol. 16. No. 4, ViSCA, Baybay, Leyte, Philippines: 17–27. 

Milan, P. P., J. Margraf & M. Bande 1998. Harvests from Rainforestation: Economic and cultural aspects of environmental farming. In Göltenboth, F., P. P. Milan & V. B. Asio (eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Tropical Ecology: Aspects on Ecosystems Management in Tropical Asia. ViSCA, Baybay, Leyte, Philippines. 

Milan, P. P., M. J. M Bande, H. L. Mondal, D. B. Posa, and J. O. Pogosa. n.d. Terminal Report: Evaluation of Silvicultural Management, Ecological Changes and Market Study of Products of Existing Rainforestation Demo and Cooperator’s Farms, 2001-2004. Institute of Tropical Ecology, Visayas State University, Philippines. 

Mueller-Edzard, C. 1994. Untersuchungen zur Artenzusammensetzung, Häufigkeitsverteilung  und Größenklassenzusammensetzung verschiedener Gehölzarten auf 2 x 0.5 ha  Primärwald am Mt. Pangasugan, Leyte, Philippinen. Diploma Arbeit, University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany: pp. 82.

Neidel, J.D. , Consunji, H. 2016. Key Messages from the International Symposium on Monitoring Forest Restoration for Adaptive Management.  New Haven, CT: Yale University; Panama City: Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.

Neidel, J.D. , Consunji, H. Labozetta, J., Calle, A., and J. Mateo-Vega, eds. 2012 Mainstreaming Native Species-Based Forest Restoration: ELTI Conference Proceedings. New Haven, CT: Yale University; Panama City: Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.

Neuberger, A. 2005. Rainforestation Farming: Geo-Economical and Landscape Relevant Aspects of the Philippine Approach for Subsistence and Ecosystem Improvement. Diplomarbeit. Universität Tübingen, Fakultät f. Geowissenschaften, Tübingen, Germany: pp. 307.


Prigge, V., G. Langenberger & K. Martin 2005. Ethnobotanical survey in Leyte, Philippines and comparison with indigenous Filipino plant lore Proceedings of Conference on Agricultural Research for Development. Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart , Germany.

Quimio, J. & A. Hermones 1998. Vegetation structure of five year rainforestation Farm in ViSCA. In Göltenboth, F. , P. P. Milan & V. B. Asio (eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Tropical Ecology,  Ecological Aspects on Ecosystems Management in Tropical Asia. ViSCA, Baybay, Leyte, Philippines


Rana, R., R. Langenfeld-Heyser, R. Finkeldey, & A. Polle. 2009. Functional anatomy of five endangered tropical timber wood species of the family Dipterocarpaceae.  Trees. 23:521-529. 

Sales-Come, R. & D. Holscher. 2010. Variability and grouping of leaf traits in multi-species reforestation (Leyte, Philippines) Forest Ecology and Management. 260:846-855.  

Santos-Martin, F., Bertomeu, M., van Noordwijk, M., and R. Navarro.  2011. Why smallholders plant native timber trees: lessons from the Philippines. Nairobi: ASB Partnership for the Tropical Forest Margins; Bogor, Indonesia: World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) Southeast Asia Program.

Schade, J., Gulmatica, C. V., Bal, M. L., Lennertz, R., Medenilla, P. A.,  Pescasio, L. O., Rayala, V. T., Santos, R. N. & K. Uebelhoer 1987. Forest Resources of Region 8. Phillippines-German Resource Inventory Project Report, Forest Management Bureau DENR, Manila, Philippines: 1–74.

Schneider, T., Ashton, M.S., Montagnini, F. and P.P. Milan. 2013 Growth performance of sixty tree species in smallholder reforestation trials on Leyte, Philippines. New Forests. DOI 10.1007/s11056-013-9393-5.

Schneider, T. and E. Pohnan. 2012. Assessing rainforestation: The social and ecological effects of smallholder-based native species reforestation in the PhilippinesThe Bulletin of the Yale Tropical Resources Institute. 31: 78-85. 

Schulte, A. 2002. Rainforestation Farming: Option for Rural Development and Biodiversity Conservation in the Humid Tropics of South East Asia. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, Germany: pp. 312.

Schütz, P. 1994. Zur Bedeutung von Schwärmern (Sphingidae, Lepidoptera) bei der Bestäubung von Frucht- und Forstbäumen in Agroforestry-Systemen auf Leyte, Philippinen. Dipl. Arbeit, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany: pp. 93.

Spatz, R. 1992. Zusammensetzung der Arthropodenfauna im Süßkartoffelanbau der Insel  Leyte (Philippinen). Erfassung unter Einsatz von Barberfallen und Farbschalen. Diplomarbeit. Univ. Hohenheim, Inst. f. Pflanzenprod. Und Agrarökologie in den Tropen und Subtropen, Stuttgart, Germany: pp. 93.

Stark, M. 2000. Soil Management Strategies to Sustain Continuous Crop Production between Vegetative Contour Stripping on Humid Tropical Hillsides. Technological Development and Dissemination based on Farmer´s Adaptive Field Experimentation in the Philippines. South Asia Regional Research Programme. International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF), Manila, Philippines: pp. 225.

Szinicz, G. & K. Martin 1999. Agrarökosysteme und Bbiodiversität in einer tropischen Kulturlandschaft – die Philippinische Insel Leyte  Proceedings of Deutscher Tropentag, Berlin, Germany. 


Waibel, H., Wessler, J. & W. Dirksmeyer 1997. The economics of rainforestation farming. In: J. Margraf, F. Göltenboth & P. P. Milan (eds.).  Proceedings of the International Conference on Reforestation with Philippine species for Biodiversity Protection and Economic Progress. Palo, Leyte, Philippines: 286–301.

Widmann, P. 1994. Zur Bedeutung von Flughunden (Pteropodidae) bei der Bestäubung von  Frucht- und Forstbäumen in Agroforestry-Systemen auf Leyte, Philippinen. Dipl. Arbeit, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany: pp. 102.

Widmann, P., G. Langenberger & K. Martin, 2005. Seed Dispersal and predation across a grassland-forest ecotone in Southern Palawan, Philippines Proceedings of the Conference on Agricultural Research for Development. Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany.

Zikely, S. 1998. Nutrient Status and Nutrient Cycles of the Tropical Rainforest, Mt. Pangasugan, Leyte, Philippines. Diplomarbeit. Martin Luther Univ. Halle, Landw. Fakultät, Inst. f. Bodenkunde und Pflanzenernährung. Halle-Wittenberg, Germany: pp. 100.

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