
“How To” Manuals

This list consists of manuals and guides that provide information on identifying and working with specific native species, establishing nurseries, developing sites, and other practical information for implementing Rainforestation.

Anon. n.d. How to Propagate Tibig (Ficus nota) from seeds. Philippine Tropical Forest Conservation Foundation.

Anon. n.d. Wilding Recovery Chamber. Environmental Leadership & Training Initiative.

Anon. 2002. ITTO Guidelines for the Restoration, Management and Rehabilitation of Degraded and Secondary Tropical Forests. ITTO, in collaboration with CIFOR, FAO, IUCN, & WWF.

DENR. 2011. Propagation protocols for indigenous-endangered and exotic forest tree species and some fruit trees. Information Bulletin #1. Ecosystems Research & Development Bureau.

Elliott, S.D., D. Blakesley, and K. Hardwick. R. 2013. Restoring Tropical Forests: A Practical Guide. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Energy Development Corporation and Visayas State University. 2016. A Field Manual on Forest Restoration Using Indigenous Species Module 1: Site- Species MatchingModule 2: Production of Quality Planting MaterialsModule 3: Forest Restoration in Grasslands, Brushlands, and Forest Gaps.

Goosem and Tucker 2012. Repairing the Rainforest, 2nd Edition. Wet Tropics Management Authority and Biotropica Australia Pty. Ltd., Cairns, Australia.

Gregorio, N.O.,  J.L. Herbohn, & S.R. Harison. 2010. Guide to Quality Seedling Production in Smallholder NurseriesVISCA Foundation for Agricultural Research and Development, Inc. and College of Forestry and Natural Resources, Visayas State University, VISCA, Baybay City, Leyte, Philippines.

Gregorio, N.O. 2010. Selecting the Appropriate Mother Tree for Timber Species. ACIAR Q-Seedling Project, Visayas State University,  VISCA, Baybay City, Leyte, Philippines.

Margraf, J. & P. P. Milan 1997. Mag-“Rainforestation Farming” Kita! Philippine-German Applied Tropical Ecology Program, Visayas State College of Agriculture (ViSCA), Baybay, Leyte, Philippines.

Milan, P. P. 2009. Rainforestation Farming: A Farmer’s Guide to Sustainable Forest Management, 2nd Edition.  Visayas State Univesity & Foundation for the Philippine Environment.

Milan, P. P. & F. Göltenboth 2005. Abaca and Rainforestation Farming. A Guide to Sustainable Farm ManagementLeyte State Univeristy, Baybay, Leyte, Philippines.

San Carlos Development Board, Inc. 2011. Nursery Propagation Technique of Bagalunga (Melia dubia).

Vendiola, R. 2016. Propagation Techniques for Medinilla. Environmental Leadership & Training Initiative (ELTI), Institute of Tropical Ecology and Environmental Management-  Visayas State University (VSU-ITEEM), Liptong Woodland, & Municipality of Bacong, Negros Oriental.

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